Thursday, August 25, 2011

I knew it would take me forever to post lol

As I stated when I started this blog it would be few and far between with my posts but I really am going to try to get better. I have been reading some great blogs the last couple of weeks that have made me about pee my pants and I have spit pop and coffee all over my would think I would learn. I will never be as funny as these wonderful women who I have been reading but I have decided to take a page from them and use my blog as a way to reach out to others and maybe save some of my sanity...what little I have left.

So a quick update I am still working full time and now have decided to go back to school to get my Bachelors in Paralegal Studies...see above what little sanity I have left. I am almost done with my first term just a couple more weeks to go and at the moment I have an A in both of my classes. The kids are back in school already which seems really early since they returned on 8/15 but it is nice to have those 2 hours of quiet time before the yelling, fighting and hair pulling begins, and that is just dealing with homework.

My son is 20 and in the 5th grade and my daughter is 6 and in 1st. Yea I spaced it out a little and managed to pull one of each is it any wonder I stopped there my next luck would have been twins I just know it. Well I will try my best to keep this up to date and post often but I doubt it will be every day bear with me. :-)